Trainings on environmental, health, safety and sustainability topics
Given their accumulated experience in environmental and social consulting and their deep understanding of best practices in managing environmental and social risks, impacts and opportunities, ENSOR specialists regularly provide their clients with training, seminars and workshops aimed at raising awareness and competencies of both senior management and employees at all levels of the organization
Our educational workshops, trainings and seminars cover the following topics:
Requirements of international environmental and social standards and guidelines (e.g. IFC, EBRD, OECD, PRI, Equator Principles, IRMA, ICMM, GRI, SASB, TCFD, TNFD, CSRD, ISO, etc.)
Management of environmental and social risks and impacts
Stakeholder Engagement
Managing human rights impacts and risks
Managing impacts and risks to biodiversity and ecosystem services
Managing climate risks and opportunities
Environmental and Social Risk Management Systems (ESMS) in Financial Institutions
Safety culture and leadership
Sustainability and ESG
Environmental and social risk management in supply chains
Our specialists can also help you develop individual corporate training programs based on your organization's specific mission and operations