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ESG and Sustainability

Driven by growing demands from regulators, customers, investors, employees and other stakeholders to embed sustainability goals into their business strategy and disclose ESG risks and impacts, organizations, and particularly senior executives, are being forced to devote additional time and attention to the ESG transformation of their business
ESG Transformation:
From Inception to Continuous Improvement
We understand that different companies are at different stages of ESG transformation; some are just starting to understand this process, while others have already achieved some of their strategic goals and have progressed to defining new ones. Even having received high ESG ratings and attracted ESG funding or new profitable customers such communities often decide to progress further
Professional support
in the field of sustainable development
With in-depth knowledge of business sustainability, as well as practical experience in assessing and managing environmental and social impacts, risks, and opportunities for corporate clients in various industries and financial institutions, ENSOR specialists will help you understand the impact of the ESG agenda on your business, assess gaps, develop a sustainability strategy, and assist in its implementation, as well as in disclosing information about your progress
Taking into account industry specifics and trends
When implementing sustainability and ESG consulting projects, we always consider the industry and regional specifics of the business, the value chain of your product, as well as regulatory requirements and requirements of industry standards, ratings, and best practices, and the impact of modern sustainability and ESG trends on your business
ENSOR specialists can help you understand the impact of your ESG agenda on your business, assess the gaps, develop sustainability strategy and assist in its implementation, and disclose your progress

We offer the following types of ESG and sustainability services:

  • Maturity assessment/diagnosis of the current level of sustainability and ESG management practices

  • Benchmarking against peers and leaders in sustainability and ESG issues

  • Analysis of the national and global context, external trends in the field of sustainable development and ESG and their impact on the Company’s activities

  • Development of the sustainability strategy, including goals, KPIs and roadmaps to achieve the goals

  • Assistance in the ESG strategy implementation in various areas (management systems, work with suppliers, compliance with international standards, personnel issues, interaction with stakeholders, environmental protection and energy efficiency, climate change, carbon footprint, health and safety, human rights, cultural heritage, resettlement, biodiversity and ecosystem services, etc.)

  • Identification of internal and external stakeholders, development of interaction plans, communication with stakeholders

  • Trainings and workshops for senior management and employees on ESG and sustainable development

  • Supply chain ESG assessment

  • Product life cycle assessment

  • ESG materiality assessment

  • Development of policies/statements of commitment on various aspects of sustainability/ESG

  • Assistance with a mission, vision and values statement of the company, as well as CEO statements on sustainable development aspects

  • Assistance with the structure of the sustainable development section of the Company’s website

  • Consulting on reporting systems in the field of sustainable development/ESG (GRI, SASB, TCFD, TNFD, CDP, ISSB, CSRD and etc.)

  • Sustainable development reports preparation

  • Consulting on ESG ratings (rating agencies, analysis of current positions and development of plans to improve ratings, assistance in filling out questionnaires and communications with rating agencies)

  • Support in transition to circular economy

  • ESG finance consulting

Examples of completed projects

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