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Environmental assessment
and social impacts

ENSOR is one of the market leaders in consulting services for environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) in accordance with both national requirements and the requirements of international standards and best practices (European Union Directives, IFC standards, requirements of IFIs, such as EBRD, World Bank, Equator Principles signatories, industry standards, etc.).
Comprehensive impact assessment
Our impact assessment services help our clients obtain timely approval from the regulators, public, and financing organizations (banks, export credit agencies). This helps projects’ delivery in line with the schedule, gain broad stakeholder support, attract third-party financing on favorable terms, and put in place effective tools to manage identified impacts and risks.
Many years’ experience in capital projects’ impact assessment
A deep understanding of environmental and social issues, as well as stakeholder engagement procedures is based on many years of our experience in successful development of ESIAs for major investment projects in various industries in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries
ENSOR carries out assessment of both negative and positive impacts of operating activities. The scope and approach to impact assessment depends on the specific purpose (double materiality assessment for sustainability reporting, assessment against international industry standards, assessment within the framework of environmental and social management system etc.)

We offer the following types of environmental and social impact assessment services:

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in accordance with the requirements of national legislation and international standards including, but not limited to
  • Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment

  • Social Impact Assessment (local communities, including vulnerable groups, indigenous peoples)

  • Assessing the impacts and risks associated with climate change

  • Health Impact Assessment

  • Human Rights Impact Assessment

  • Assessment of impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services

  • Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment

  • Cumulative and transboundary impacts assessment

Development of environmental and social design criteria taking into account national and international requirements

Development of plans and procedures aimed at management of various environmental and social impacts and risks during pre-construction, construction, operation and closure stages of the projects

Independent assessment of project documentation and EIA/ESIA materials prepared by third parties

Impact assessment for the existing facilities as part of the double materiality assessment, compliance with international standards, implementation and improvement of environmental and social risk and impact management systems

Examples of completed projects

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