
Development of a Biodiversity action plan

Client: Confidential client
Location: Russia

Project: Development of a Biodiversity action plan for the construction project of a petrochemical complex for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene
Purpose: develop measures to manage the project’s impacts on biodiversity components in order to implement the Project’s strategy to ensure “no net losses” in accordance with the requirements of IFC Performance Standard 6 (PS 6), the Business and Biodiversity Offset Programme (BBOP).

As initial information for the development of the action plan, the materials from previously conducted studies of biodiversity and ecosystem services for the purpose of developing an ESIA were used.
Activities were developed separately for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as for ecosystem service objects. The required replacement for losses of natural and critical habitats was calculated in accordance with the Habitat Hectare method, consistent with the BBOP Standard. The Habitat Hectare method takes into account the type, area and condition of the habitat. The quantitative expression of compensation is based on a comparison of equivalent amounts of biodiversity in the lost area and the compensation (restoration) area. In addition, when calculating compensation, an uncertainty multiplier and a time discount multiplier are taken into account.
The assessment of damage to ichthyofauna was calculated in accordance with the methodology approved by national legislation, to which uncertainty and time discounting factors were also applied.
To develop measures for compensation and restoration of ecosystem services, the following were carried out:
  • Identification and screening of ecosystem services;
  • Prioritization of ecosystem services.
The identification of ecosystems in the Project area of ​​influence was carried out based on the results of field research and GIS analysis. The list of ecosystem services from the WRI methodology was brought into line with the actual conditions of the Project area of ​​influence. Therefore, a number of ecosystem services were excluded from the assessment because they do not exist in the Project area of ​​influence.

It has been identified that the primary end-use beneficiaries of ecosystem services are local residents, and the benefits that beneficiaries receive from ecosystem services include livelihoods, income generation and recreational benefits. The analysis also looked at intermediate services that are important to the ecosystems themselves (final services). Based on background data and a value/substitutability approach, priority services were identified. Further, action plans were developed for each priority ecosystem service. Actions were discussed and agreed upon with stakeholders.


Compensatory and restoration measures have been developed to achieve the Project's strategic biodiversity goal of “no net loss”, including the establishment of performance indicators to be monitored and/or achieved during the implementation of planned measures.
8.Nature capital, biodiversity and ecosystem services