
Development of an ESG strategy and assistance in the implementation of some ESG activities

Client: Confidential client, large mining company

Location: Russia

Project: Development of an ESG strategy for a mining company
Purpose: develop an ESG strategy for a mining company that will meet the requirements of all stakeholders, including key investors and clients. Assist in the implementation of some basic ESG actions, including the development of policies in various areas; formulating the company's mission and vision, as well as a CEO statement on sustainability issues; advising on the structure of the content of the section on sustainable development of the company’s website.

ENSOR specialists performed the following tasks:
  • Objective 1: Analyze the company's current activities in relation to ESG aspects. As part of this task, ENSOR specialists assessed the inconsistencies (gaps) between the Company’s current practices and procedures and the general principles and indicators in the field of ESG/sustainability, and also prepared a preliminary action plan to eliminate the identified gaps and additional opportunities for further improvements. The analysis was carried out both at the corporate level and at the level of individual subsidiaries.
  • Task 2: Conducting a materiality assessment of ESG topics, including:
    • Identifying material ESG topics
    • Adjustment and confirmation of topics with stakeholders
    • Assessment and analysis of ESG topics
  • Task 3: Development of ESG Strategy, including:
    • Determination of the main strategic ESG blocks
    • Selecting topics for goal setting
    • Setting goals and identifying key indicators
    • Validation of goals and key indicators
    • Preparation of the strategy in the form of an internal document and a document for public disclosure.
  • Objective 4: Development of policies/commitments, including such topics as resource and energy efficiency, air emissions reduction, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate change risk management, sustainable water use, responsible waste management, hazardous materials management, conservation of biodiversity, reclamation of disturbed lands and closure of sites, interaction with local communities and land acquisition, protection of cultural heritage sites.
  • Task 5: Assistance in formulating the company's mission, vision, and CEO statement on sustainability issues
  • Task 6: Assistance in determining the structure of the content of the section on Sustainable Development of the Company’s website


Based on the results of the provision of services, the Client received an ESG strategy covering the main priority areas and meeting the expectations of all stakeholders. In addition, the Client received a set of ESG policies and proposals for the formulation of the mission, vision and statement of the Company’s CEO regarding ESG/sustainability issues, as well as proposals for filling the section of the company’s website dedicated to ESG/sustainability issues.
7. ESG and Sustainability