Purpose: to confirm the compliance of the corporate environmental and social management system (in relation to the project) with the objectives, principles and requirements of the lender´s applicable standards.
The lenders’ requirements include:
- Applicable local, national and international environmental and social (including occupational health and safety) legislation;
- ADB´s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009;
- Social Protection Strategy (ADB), 2001;
- Policy on Gender and Development (ADB), 1998.
- Access to Information Policy (ADB), 2019;
- ILO Conventions governing basic labor standards and basic conditions of employment;
- Prohibited Investment Activities List (PIAL) (ADB SPS 2009),
- Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines (WBG), April 2007;
- Applicable WBG guidelines for the industrial sector, including guidelines for power plants (April 2007)