Client: Almaty Electric Power Plants JSC / Asian Development Bank
Country: Kazakhstan
Project: Assessment of compliance with the Creditor´s requirements (Asian Development Bank) of the environmental and social management system of a heat and power generating company within the framework of a project to allocate financing for the replacement of an old inefficient coal-fired power plant with modern combined cycle gas turbine units located at the Almaty CHP-2 site.
Purpose: to confirm the compliance of the corporate environmental and social management system (in relation to the project) with the objectives, principles and requirements of the lender´s applicable standards.
The lenders’ requirements include:
- Applicable local, national and international environmental and social (including occupational health and safety) legislation;
- ADB´s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009;
- Social Protection Strategy (ADB), 2001;
- Policy on Gender and Development (ADB), 1998.
- Access to Information Policy (ADB), 2019;
- ILO Conventions governing basic labor standards and basic conditions of employment;
- Prohibited Investment Activities List (PIAL) (ADB SPS 2009),
- Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines (WBG), April 2007;
- Applicable WBG guidelines for the industrial sector, including guidelines for power plants (April 2007)
ENSOR approach:
During the assessment of the corporate environmental and social management system of JSC ALES, the following activities were performed:
During the assessment of the corporate environmental and social management system of JSC ALES, the following activities were performed:
- Formal verification of documents: a request for initial data, analysis of the received documents, as well as data placed in the public domain;
- Visit to the Company's head office in Almaty to verify the conclusions made on the basis of analyzing the information provided at the formal verification stage;
- Preparation of a summary report in English and Russian describing the conclusions/observations regarding the Company's existing procedures, identified gaps and justification of the conformity assessment rating.
Based on the results of the compliance assessment of the corporate environmental and social management system (ESMS), ENSOR prepared a report with conclusions regarding the compliance of the ESMS with ADB requirements, as well as a corrective action plan recommended to address identified gaps and achieve full compliance. The plan includes a schedule of activities, their prioritization level, and the expected result (implementation indicator)
Based on the results of the compliance assessment of the corporate environmental and social management system (ESMS), ENSOR prepared a report with conclusions regarding the compliance of the ESMS with ADB requirements, as well as a corrective action plan recommended to address identified gaps and achieve full compliance. The plan includes a schedule of activities, their prioritization level, and the expected result (implementation indicator)