Development of a methodology for calculating the volume of fugitive emissions
Client: LLC "Eastern Mining Company"
Location: Russia
Project: Development of a methodology for calculating the volume of fugitive emissions during open-pit mining of coal
Purpose: carry out calculations of quota sizes for various modifications of GHG emission accounting and make proposals for adjusting the calculation methodology.
The project was carried out in the context of an experiment to limit greenhouse gas emissions in certain regions of the Russian Federation in the Sakhalin region.
ENSOR specialists performed:
Analysis of draft by-laws
Review of methods for accounting for fugitive greenhouse gas emissions from open-pit coal mining (IPCC, EU, India, Australia, China, USA, UK, Canada)
Review of practices for reducing GHG emissions in coal mines, including from associated operations
Analysis of accounting for fugitive emissions in the calculation of GHG emission quotas in different countries (Great Britain, Australia, China, India, USA, Canada, countries of the so-called Big 20
Calculation of Client quota sizes for various modifications of GHG emission accounting
Methodology for calculating quotas for GHG emissions: proposals for adjustments regarding accounting for fugitive emissions.