Determination of the boundaries of a natural geochemical anomaly in order to establish regional MPC
Client: PJSC Kamchatskenergo (RusHydro Group of Companies)
Location: Russia
Purpose: to determine the composition of water in water bodies due to natural features and to develop regional standards for the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants in water bodies of fisheries importance.
ENSOR approach:
ENSOR consultants performed an analysis of the publicly available source data and the documents received from the Client. The result of the information synthesis is the following:
Justification for the placement of monitoring stations of control gates;
Characterization and assessment of the anthropogenic impact on the surface waters quality of the basin.
The list of chemicals for which it is possible to develop MPC standards taking into account the natural characteristics of water bodies;
Monitoring station observation program (frequency and duration of observations, monitoring indicators, location of monitoring stations, sampling rules, laboratory requirements, quality control)
ENSOR consultants have developed a Hydrochemical Research Program. The program has been developed taking into account the requirements of Methodological Guidelines for the development of water quality standards for water bodies of fishery importance, approved by Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries dated 08/04/2009 No. 695.
Further, it is planned to conduct hydrochemical studies, laboratory work, including biotesting of test objects, and the development of regional MPC standards for water of fishery importance water bodies; to obtain the conclusion of the competent authority on the compliance of the substantiation materials with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation.